Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Trying out my very first photo..

I thought I would start with an interesting  photo to practice putting pics into my blog...remember..theis is my very first attempt.   This dragon is one of the many facepaintings I have done over the last 6 years here in Utah.  I do mostly faces.   Being a professional facepainter is totally fun in that I get to interact with tons of people, especialy the little ones.  This girl is one of my regulars and lets me experient on her arms, legs, face, back.  What I love painting most is fantasy type designs.  This dragon was my one first attempts at doing dragons..not my best work by far but had fun with it.  I will show faces later.  Just wanted to get my feet wet in putting a photo in my blog.  How did I do?
toodles for now and keep hopping with faith as you create!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dana -

    The painting looks great! Hey, we've missed you at the boutique - any idea when you're coming back?
